Oh. My. Word. Is fabric getting really expensive or something?
Chocolate Lollipop officially has a life of it's own, which does this designer proud. You guys are amazing. And smart too! I don't know how many comments I got that said I would need more than a Ball Jar. Duh. What was I thinking? I'll tell ya what I was thinking. I was thinking, oh this'll make for some good fun so I can work on my book for the whole week and not have to post again until Monday. That was until I hit around 400 something in comments and started thinking of cutting up all those strips of comments. Even my husband, Mr.
Computer Programmer in the Biostatistics Research Department at Vanderbilt, looked at me like I was crazy when I insisted on the old-fashioned method.

I just figured, that's what I
said I was gonna do, so it was the least I could do to cut those little suckers up after you sillies said so many nice things. Not that I prompted you or anything. But oh my gosh, I really did want to respond to each and every one of you! You had me laughing so hard at times. Telling me I stink. That was funny! (funny, right?) Reading all of them was a very necessary distraction from the hours spent starting my
book. And the additional thoughts added to my heart for
Juliana, too. Anyway, let's get to it.

Click on the
picture! Click on the
picture! You might make out your name on those strips!!!
But if you can't here are the winners posted with their links, comments, and time:
Jen said... I would love to use some of that fabric in a quilt! 11:37 PM
Liz Cadorette said...First things first -- I was behind on my blog reading and when I saw your easter post with Juliana's close call, my heart nearly stopped on your behalf. What a miracle and a joy that she was essentially unhurt and came home safely! I am a former volunteer EMT, and I know what a nightmare such events can be; I am so glad that she is all right, and here to take lovely pictures of her Mama! Secondly; not only am I still here, your blog (okay, and Heather's) are the first ones I click when Bloglines says you've spoken up on any given day. You inspire me to continue trying to get to the place where I am financially able to be the stay-at-home-but-still-working mom I have always wanted to be, and to live a truly creative, joyful life. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Here endeth the de-lurk. :) 11:41 AM
Lilorfnannie said... Lovely! Lovely *what*? Lovely Everything!! ---And, you're going to need a BIG jar!! 3:37 PM
Please email me privately with your address and all your freaking out to receive your goodies.

So from
Sunshine's very first comment to Bethany's very last this morning, I promise you were all in there. (Sorry if any of you posted after that, had to draw the line somewhere!) Suddenly the generous feeling of giving away four stacks went to not feeling so generous when I saw all those names. It's like having only one cold popsicle left in the freezer on a hot summer day and five sweaty hot kids who have to draw straws for it. Not that you're sweaty or anything.
But never fear, there is more than one
Pop in my fridge, and I will likely have more giveaways. (It was just so stinkin fun!) Not to mention you'll be able to purchase them in a matter of weeks, more on that later.
Wow. Wish I could send stacks to all of you. Really.
Now I think a paper mache project is on order.
xoxo, AM