* this is a bullet post
* the above is my new favorite breakfast of one egg fried in olive oil served on toasted cinnamon wheat bread
*Jeff makes this for me a few times a week
*up there when I was typing "fried", I first accidentally typed "friend" which I think says something about me
*I love the new bread we buy at Publix (above) that only has like 6 ingredients: whole wheat flour, water, honey, raisins, salt and cinnamon
*we've been trying to buy foods with fewer ingredients, as in all natural if we can help it
* it's hard but I feel good knowing what I'm eating
*Juliana's senior prom was last week and I took lots of pictures that I'll share soon
*her HS graduation is the evening I get back from quilt market, and I am happily occupied doing quilt market things instead of crying about her HS graduation
*I just barely got through prom photos without crying
*I'm saving the prom crying for when we can do that together here over the photos
*I'm hoping you're game for that
*I gave up diet coke and any sodas at the beginning of the year after drinking them since I was like 14, and I haven't fallen off the wagon once, and I don't even crave it anymore
*I do drink Perrier now and that is pricey
*the kids were out of school all last week due to how many schools have been cleaning up flood damage
*so all week we were flooded with children rather than getting quilt market prep done
*I was ahead of schedule
*after the kid flood I got behind schedule
*I'd say now I'm right on, but this post might push me 15 minutes behind
*I keep having to find the asterisk key and that makes me type s*l*o*w
*there are houses just a street or two from us that have just been devastated by the flood
*I finally muscled up the courage to go running on my regular route and passed house after house that had tons of ruined belongings pulled out to the road waiting to be hauled off
*I am trying to figure out a way to help flood victims and I am thinking about beginning an effort to make some quilts for families who lost everything
*holler if you're with me, I could use some seamstresses/quilters
*Isabela wrote me a beautiful note for Mother's Day about why she loves me
*A favorite sentence in her note was "I love how you do your OWN work your OWN way"
*My cell phone is hosed
*Or possessed, it makes sounds all by itself
*Jeff and I went to Verizon today to try and buy the Droid for me but they don't have any available until June
*that made me sad
*I wanted options
*Verizon girl had too many but none of them made me happy
*I asked questions about simple things and Verizon girl gave me not simple answers but more like paragraphs of words from pamphlets
*I began another question with
let me ask you a simple question, and then she excused herself to go get some more information
*Upon returning, she replied
well I have one option for you but its not really an option*I am not kidding
*I can't remember what I said to her after that but Jeff thinks maybe I shouldn't have a tall black before going into the Verizon store to ask questions
*people get the impression that I am sweet
*Jeff would like to talk to you about that
*I want to thank
Beth, and
Blair for writing such nice reviews of
Handmade Beginnings*I'll be visiting with
Erin tomorrow, so come visit us there
*bring a tall black coffee or whatever makes you happy