2008 hangs above us waiting to surprise and inspire. Wishing you and your loved ones happiness hanging from every corner. Be back soon! xo, Anna
Happy New Year
2008 hangs above us waiting to surprise and inspire. Wishing you and your loved ones happiness hanging from every corner. Be back soon! xo, Anna
Christmas Break
What a full year. Do I dare sound too typical and ask where its gone? Here we are nearing the end of December and I still can't find November. Looking over my shoulder, I am in awe really at what 2007 has been. Fruitful. Sweet. Challenging. Exhausting. Just full. And blessed, every last day of it. Thank you for being part of it. You're the sweet part.
I'll be breaking for a bit, friends. There are sweets to bake. Gifts to wrap. Children to cuddle. Handsome eyes to look into. Couches to be slumbered upon. Oh and theres a book due in four weeks too. All these souls and blessings need some nurturing to carry them into the new year, including mine.
I'm wishing days of peace for you. I'm praying for peace everywhere. I'm hoping for our awareness of the good around us. And I'll see you here again very soon.
With my very best, Merry Christmas, xoox, AnnaMaria
Hey, where do you think you're going?
Every weekday for two weeks now the weirdest thing has been happening. Little Eleni, yea, I said little...teeny tiny Eleni is up and dressed at the crack of dawn. What could possibly be so important? Shoes too? Really? As in you're leaving the house? Certainly not. Neh-nuh neh-nuh no.
Just days ago she was flitting her sparkley self around the house barefoot from one adventure to another. Some with me, some without me. All of them near me. I could hear the adventures, and would look up from my work sometimes to see them. It was good. I was happy. She was happy. But now. Well. Eleni started a new adventure. Pre-school. Sigh. In fact I haven't even been able to write about this until now. I have been a bit reflective though, huh? I thought I would feel like 16 years of waiting would make me happy to have all the children cared for during the day. Happy would not describe this feeling. It's an ache of sorts. I can't explain it. My nose starts to sting like tears are about to come when I think about the silence in the house. The sparkleys just hanging there with no one to dance them from one room to another. My lap is like this big empty space that makes it really easy to type with no one's sweet smelling head in my face while I try to see the monitors. Then the swelling feeling around the heart comes. It feels tragic even though I know its right.
Back to Eleni. She's been in tears too. She cries every time I pick her up to bring her home. She can't stand the thought of not playing with her 14 new best friends, learning from her two favorite teachers, eating yummy prepared hot meals (everyday at 12 on the nose!), napping on fancy little cots and experiencing one outer-home adventure after another. Every morning I remind her that she need not put herself through the torture of a ride to school with Daddy and the unspeakable torment of memorizing all the street names and buildings between our house and the newly built architecture-award-nominated little perfect school. But she goes anyway. She goes anyway!
Not only does she go but she waits to go as though being here is the torture. Being here is great! Are you kidding me?! Theres pajamas. Coffee. Phone calls. Errands. Writing. Blogging. Camera malfunctions. Laundry. UPS shipments. Me! I'm here! What's not to love, I tell you??
Okay. Go. Just be back here before dark and promise to sparkle and sing and tell me every detail of every minute of every day of your time without me. And hug me harder from now on. It's imperative. Lets arrange some time with me trying to write with you in my lap for old time's sake, 'kay? I love you and you are growing to be an impressively lovely girl. Mean it.
xo Mommy
My little shop is open for business at 11am CST today. Whew. I'm gonna go clean house now. Hope you're having a good Saturday. Love love love, Anna Maria
What beauty is this?
Last year I wondered why it was called a Christmas cactus. This year I 'm wondering what I did to deserve this little bloom of progress. A small but welcome joy. Wishing you such. xoA
Fancy and Not
Well its not exactly popcorn, but snowflakey thingies came more easily somehow. The cheer shown in the tree day post was unfortunately not felt so much by me because I was too busy coming down with something. I felt so guilty for not feeling good and not being peppy for everyone, but just going through the motions. Fancy festivities. Not fancy feelings. So I spent 6 hours on the couch with that garland, ibuprofen and tea on Sunday morning so it actually got finished. But I'm better now, thank you. And I am happy with the garland, but maybe the stringy parts between are too belt-like and thick. Dunno.
There could be lots of posts coming that are more photos than words, because thats the easier, faster part for me. I have to tell you. I have to. I never want to work as hard as I'm working right now ever again. In one way I love the amount of things that are getting accomplished but some days feel like I'm dragging a pile of boulders for miles before I can see some progress. I am tired of being top-priority busy. Certainly there are some mid-priority tasks in there somewhere that I'm attaching the wrong priority to. I don't think so though. I've checked. Like 6 times. And its seems that everything is at the top of the list these days. Which I'm pretty sure is actually a good thing. Because I'm doing things that matter to me and hopefully a few other people. (I'm doing things that matter. I'm doing things that matter. ) I just can't tell from here. Anyone else know what I mean? You must. I am feeling a little nostalgic for the days when nursing a newborn at 11am was top priority. Everyone told me I would miss it. I knew I would. I didn't know how much. Not that it was ever that simple. But it seems like it from here. Hungry? Feed it. Crying? Feed it. Tired? Feed it. Hurt? Feed it.
It's just that season where there is such a yearning enjoy my family and home and I feel like I've had my back to a lot of it for a while. Too long. I'm tired. I'm happy. But I'm tired. That's not so bad. And to say sorry for more photos than words and short or no posts would be silly in light of the kindness and encouragement you are constantly showing me. You know its time to slow down when you miss being sick on the couch just so something can get accomplished. Any little thing all the way done would do. Even this post.
love from here, xo,AM
Tree Day
Killing time with crafts.
Setting the stage.
Nativity play.
Let's do this thing people.
Wait for me!
Nope. He just works there. Seriously. Just a coincidence.
Up on the rooftop and heading home.
Good Night.
The spirits are lifted here a bit after a trying week or two and I could almost say jolly to describe it. Guess who's back? Now to restore my faith in technology. Is that even a real thing? I think not. I have other sorts of faith so technology can do what it wants. (Obviously it already does)
Trimming time here.....unboxing stuff tonight! My mind instantly goes from that to all the sticky candy cane wrappers stuck between couch cushions that I'll come across in a few days and how the candy canes on the top of the tree will be among the only that survive for more than a week or two. I do love the family life.
Have a sweet weekend! xoAM
Uncommon Quilting
Before I forget, I wanted to share this inspiring book by Jeanne Williamson that I recently came across. It would make an ideal gift for someone who loves to quilt, collage, paint or all of the above. The concept behind the book in itself is a very inspiring thing for a designer. Jeanne set out to make a quilt every week for one year. 52 quilts! That dedication alone is so inspiring. And she continued this from 1999 to 2005 until she had 365 quilts. Not quilts in the sense that most people think of them, but smaller scale "art" quilts, for lack of a better description. The materials she uses in many of them are uncommon to say the least...cupcake wrappers, potato bags, newspaper .... along with more traditional things like paint, fabric, stitching.
I love her choice of consistently making them about the same size of about 8x10" so that the resulting collection has a stunning flow but such variety. In the end they seem to be a mental landscape of sorts and record the time, moods and happenings in her life over the course of a year. In looking through the book you can't help but notice how personal the collection is. It leaves the quilter in me thinking differently and the painter in me also a bit changed. While it specifically goes over how to make some of the quilts in the book (see some more images here) the overall urge that I get is to make any one item over and over again. Also to let some things be failures and some things be successes but let all the work speak for the dedication that I have to my craft. Inspiring, no?
Okay-thought you'd wanna see. Back to work. My feet are freezing! Where are those kids' soccer socks.....
Making me Happy
Hey did seven days just pass since my last post? Is time moving faster or am I moving slower? I am certain that I'm not moving slower. I really appreciate the shoulders that nuzzled under the crying from my last post. Boy howdy. I had actually gotten my camera back the very next day after that, quite surprisingly. I was so overjoyed and snapping pictures of stupid anythings. But then the playback button wouldn't work. I don't need to describe all the emotions, etc. after that. You know, if you can't say something nice. But I will say that while I feel I received a lemon, that the Canon people have been extremely helpful, and, umm, human. Do you ever feel like no matter what you say that the person on the other end of the line is going to repeat the same phrase?? They really seemed to listen to me when I calmly suggested that instead of me shipping it back again, that if perhaps one of their repair technicians in New Jersey could just step outside and open their arms, then I would gladly throw it back from Nashville. Yup. That much feeling behind the throw. I know it would have gotten there, in fact maybe even an overthrow. Point being, they bent at my expression of frustration by sending me a FedEx label to overnight it instead of the standard UPS, and giving me an extension number to a person, instead of the standard 800 for follow up. So waiting again now. Hopefully for a replacement. Come on Canon, I know you can do it.
Oh yea. On with the making me happy part. I totally stole the yarn-ball ornament idea from the store window at GapKids. How cute is that? The kids and I had a ball (duh) making them. It kept them all on the floor for about an hour chatting about their personal successes of ultimate winding capabilities. We started the centers with styrofoam balls to keep them light and not take up too much yarn. Winding proved to be good unwinding.
Also I cannot put my hooks down lately. Good and mindless happiness. I am just stringing the longest white chain that may or may not get fancier for a possible garland of sorts. Thought about crocheting little clusters into it for a popcorn effect. Anyone seen anything similar I could look at for inspiration?
And every evening when I cannot think anymore, I have a crush on Sasha Kagan and her beautiful book! I cannot get enough of it. It's exactly the sorta thing I need in the crochet department, because its more an index of all the types of stitches, patterns, and gorgeous ideas with instructions and perfect illustrations than it is a group of finite patterns to follow. I cannot get into following a pattern for any finished thing, I like to come up with the whatever myself...I just need the inspiration and possibilities in front of me. Anyway, currently working on a scarf using the Katherine's Wheel pattern. Its sooo pretty and fun to make and Saint Katherine is one of my favorite saints, so I particularly love the reference to the "wheel" that is part of her story.
Also making pretty little things to populate the beginnings of my shop. We hope to have that up and running by this weekend, but I've learned not to attach a date to anything. I will of course let you know, and if you want an email update about it you can sign up on the mailing list by clicking the top sentence/link here.
Thats the report folks. I have to admit feeling a bit of sourness the past week every time I thought of blogging, because I didn't have my new camera to play with. So these pics are just from the old snappy. On with it though. Wishing you happiness today.
Me and B
Whether I like it or not I have over the years become well acquainted with the proverbial plan B. I don't even remember what plan A is on most days. Do I have an A? I forgot to get an A. Where do I get one of those??
I think really this is the consequence of having so many plans that they can't all be A's. For a few weeks now I've been battling short-light days, rain, cold, and schedules to get going on the photography for my book. I had cleared a day with the lovely Hannah (above bundled in her coat between takes) to do a few (sleeveless) shots on Saturday and the rain was just barely holding off. We were all set, make-up- check, hair- check, camera charged- check, drove out to the farm and started walking to our destination. The camera however had a different plan. The 4 week old fancy pants camera decided it would be the malfunctioning lemon type of camera and forced us to institute plan B. Which was to instead talk on the phone to 3 camera stores, my husband who had the manual in hand and online and the Canon help desk, while beautiful Hannah and I stayed warm in the car. I fought off tears for an hour of on-the-phone consulting only to end up sending my new baby back to the manufacturer and await a new one. Sigh. I tried really hard not to cry. And it worked for a while, then when describing the plan of action to Jeff I squeaked out a bit of a pitiful sob. I really hate poor me scenarios and resist the temptation to feel sorry for myself in light of such good things and people around me. But sometimes. Obviously you know. Looking for good weather now isn't something thats really going to be possible for a while. Not that I want sun necessarily, but when playing hostess/mom/art director/photographer to such sweet and patient girls who are modeling for me, one has to be considerate. Well this one has to be considerate. How many times should we try this only to splish around in puddles?
So Sunday we threw caution to the wind, rain, and clouds and tried our shoot again with a borrowed camera, my lens, and some of the most precious people I know who continue to remind me that what I am working on is not about perfection. Nothing close. It's about what I love. I don't love perfection. I love my home, my family, my work, my art and most of all that model on the left who came along as a plan B herself when I was 18.
Beautiful things come from failed plans I do believe. I'm just watching all this happen and some days I feel I have very little to do with any of it. Even though here I am doing it all. I guess I wouldn't have it any other way. Just glad there are 25 other letters in the alphabet when A fails me.
Black Friday
My morning. So slow-paced and cozy here today with all my little ones in the house. Isabela and Eleni had gone back to my mom's with her on Saturday after she was watching them during our excursion. So it was just Juliana and the boys for 4 days and it was so...weird and, umm, manageable. Not right at all. So we retrieved the rest of the brood yesterday where we met up at my in-laws' farm and shared a wonderful day full of food and yarn. Anything better? I think not.
So its Black Friday is it? I will not be shopping. I actually do like shopping a great deal (I know some people hate it) but I've done enough lately in preparation for the MS show. Every other day Jeff says "hey, I like that shirt, is that new?" and I reply, "oh this was just a Martha runner-up". Truly obnoxious how I worried about what I would wear. But seriously, wouldn't anyone? Anyway, yes down with shopping. But by all means go blow all your money today in my honor if you so choose. The only thing black here today is my coffee. A perfect complement to my homemade baklava. That piece looks small but could not be more deceiving. If you've ever had baklava you know of what I speak. I really need to share my making of that with you.
I've been meaning to talk to you guys about black. I love black. And I've noticed that I could be alone there in the craft & sewing world regarding my love of black. Is it just me or do we not see much of it? Maybe its a little less crafty and a little more fine art-y. Is it more sophisticated or not child-like enough? Is it too moody and not cheerful? Clearly I am a fan of color and technically black is not a color, but it was a conscious decision to include just at least of a bit of black in my next fabric collection, "Drawing Room". It could just be the ethnic thing coming out (see baklava above), but every room in my house has something bold and black. I've never been able to leave it out of my personal home palette and definitely not out of my wardrobe whether its in vogue or not. I simply ignore trend watches or design cues that leave it out. As a designer, I of course have to be conscious of the way color comes in and out of the world stage but there is a balance to strike while trying to put as much of yourself as possible into any endeavor. Black, to me, is like white only more dramatic. I actually forget about white a lot. I see white everywhere in design and homes and I love it. I just forget about it. I have to remind myself to use it, and I'm learning to appreciate it more. Where on earth is this going?
Just thinking. Back to my coffee. Enjoy your weekend. xoxo,AM
Signs of sitting
Too much to be thankful for. Counting blessings here with every stitch.
Wishing you days of rest and togetherness, brightness and love.
Happy Thanksgiving! with love, Anna
The Adventure: before; during; after
We got home last night to a few excited kids and a few whose little slumbering bodies wouldn't accommodate our return flight delay. I thought I would say just a little more about the experience of doing the show. The actual taping was such a very small part of the entire production. Weeks spent on the projects getting just so, sending up samples, taking photos of the kids, studio, etc. just in case we covered that in conversation the cameras could throw those up on the television screen. Lots of preparation for a few minutes that could go any direction really because its live. Anyway. I thought you'd enjoy seeing a little glimpse of the art department at the Martha Stewart offices where I spent an hour or two of the afternoon before the show touching up the projects and getting to know the stylist/artist Hosanna and a few other folks. One thing I can tell you for sure is that place is filled with very sweet, down to earth, friendly and very talented people who made me feel so comfortable. Really. Could have hung out in there all day.
The nerviest part of the whole ordeal was of course the morning of the show. I did not sleep at all and was too afraid to snooze through by taking ty-pm or anything. So that's me up there in the comforts of my dressing room very early and very nervous. I had to arrive about 3 hours before my segment to go over the process a few times in front of the cameras with my producer, get hair and make-up done. It was so weird! I was on the set while tons of people were hustling around, about 5 cameras on me and my producer who was standing in for Martha, all of them waiting with bated breath for me to talk, move, do, so they can adjust stuff figure out the right angles to shoot the segment from etc. I looked at all of them and told them the last time I had this much attention I was about to give birth. They thought that was funny and looked relieved all they had to do was film me.
So after the run-through I went back to my dressing room for a few minutes, could hear Julianne Moore through the walls but suddenly was so focused on doing my thing right, that I didn't even feel the urge to go meet her. I just thought hey, cool, there she is. I was soon ushered into hair and makeup, just exactly like you think it would be, 2 stylish women there to do each. Deb, the make-up girl? Could have talked to her all day. It was so fun to watch her hands move around my face in the mirror. I asked her if she painted, and she affirmed she has a fine arts degree. I told her I could tell by the way she held the make-up brushes, then she picked up her brush set and showed me that they were artist brushes and not make-up brushes. It was like watching her paint a portrait of me on my face. And not nearly as icky feeling on the skin (for someone like me who does not wear much when I even do wear any).
Then back to the dressing room all primped, to sit and watch the show taping live awaiting my turn. My producer kept me company and kept assuring me everything would be great and that no matter what happens, whether any of the likely questions get asked or not, just make sure I move through the project from start to finish. I got all mic-ed up and then was taken to the doors the second that Julianne's segment was done. The set itself really looks just exactly like TV, all light, bright and clean. It's like when you look through those side doors to the studio it feels like you're looking at a TV screen. Surreal. They wooshed me into place and I met Martha. Really such a pretty woman, even more so in person. Jeff said the same. He was in the front row looking a little nervous but beaming. Then all of a sudden everything seemed really easy looking and simplified somehow. It was like, oh yea, is this all? Okay. I can talk to a person and show them how to do something, no problem. The idea of a live camera and thousands of people watching is really too abstract to even comprehend. So once it came time to do it, really not so bad. I think if I were to do it again it would be a piece of cake. Well maybe not. Just that the fun part would likely start sooner than it did this time.
After? Oh that was such a relief and I was not really overcome with a desire to see the segment. I was just glad I could relax. And boy did we! We had a wonderful lunch with my good friend Donna Wilder (creator of Free Spirit Fabrics among other wonderful attributes) and the publicity team from my publishing group at a cozy French restaurant. Hit every spot that I had! Fish and chips on a rainy, windy, cold NYC day. Perfect. And cappucinos too. Yum. Then a 3 hour nap at the hotel room intermingled with reading all your sweet comments on the laptop and talking to friends and family on the phone about the experience. Then out for Italian and more good friends that I got to spend time with in the city.
Friday Jeff and I took our sweet time waking up then spent the day just the two of us, shopping, eating, walking, and just doing whatever we wanted which is so rare. I finally went to Central Park for the first time (Jeff had taken a run there earlier in the morning) even though I've been to the city countless times. It was so beautiful and the trees reminded us of home and we started to look forward to that place as we slowly diffused the previous days' events. Going home to our home, reading all your thoughtful, encouraging, and funny comments was such a treat for me, and I really did feel like you came along with me. So thanks and thanks and thanks again for every word, every step of the way. I am a thankful girl.
Now to the couch. Hope you're having a good weekend. I did finally watch my segment online line last night. So weird to see that person who is suppose to be you. I barely remembered anything I had said until I watched it. I did remember saying that I don't make my bed, because the producer told me that the whole staff was cracking up, because Martha automatically assumed that meant someone must be making it for me. Funny. In case you were making your bed or something else weird when you should have been watching my segment, here's the link where you can see project part minus the intro and finish and heres the page where you would search for the "fabric silhouette" link on Nov.15th to watch it in its entirety. I will probably have a live video link in the side bar here soon and at the website. Oh and I am REALLY thrilled so many of you have said that you wanna make a silhouette! That is so gratifying. Enjoy yourself friends!
MMMwahhh. That was a kiss. AM
Jeff and Anna live from 33rd St
So. We're here. We just put the finishing touches on the new website via tiny tables and 3$ per hour internet hookup. It's already to go folks, so go have a look and let me know how it works out for you. I'm finding it looks best on Firefox, and does a few weird text layout things on Explorer. So be it. Oh and theres a mailing list feature too on the "news" page, and hopefully you'll receive a cute little email from me if you sign up on it. Let me now how that goes.
Already went into the MSLO offices this morning for final touches on the project and now to find some lunch and take a nap! I have to be at the studio in the morning at 7:45 am to get prettified (which good take a while) for live TV.
Hope you like the new site, and that it'll take the place of no pictures today.
Thanks for all the good thoughts, hoorahs and prayers, totally feeling it and really calm today.
And now for my next act......
Already went into the MSLO offices this morning for final touches on the project and now to find some lunch and take a nap! I have to be at the studio in the morning at 7:45 am to get prettified (which good take a while) for live TV.
Hope you like the new site, and that it'll take the place of no pictures today.
Thanks for all the good thoughts, hoorahs and prayers, totally feeling it and really calm today.
And now for my next act......
Keeping it together (who am I kidding?)
In the spirit of just barely getting by that I am so fond of, I wanted to share just a few un-artistic snapshots of life here lately as we ALL prepare for the big day. Juliana has been stacking and packing her little heart out so that audience members will walk away from the show with a little taste of chocolate. Go Juliana. She is a very valuable person to have around when you want to dream up all the possible ridiculous catastrophes that could ensue while tackling live TV.
This man has been around, managing a smile (fake ones sometimes) and has provided support for every detail of my website renovation. He was able to go out for a timed run yesterday and even checked his watch and promised to come back, which if you've been here lately, you'd know that means a lot. Oh. And. Uhh. He made homemade applesauce cause we had too many apples. Twice. I know. No clue how I managed this guy. And so easy on the eyes.
Pumpkin pie number five has reminded me that as long as you know what you are doing even if you show up in mismatched pajamas everything will turn out beautifully. She is a genius.
So. Yea. It's a little hectic here, but a real undercurrent of excitement flows beneath all of us and our ship is afloat. I will most likely pop in for a super quick announcement once my new website launches tomorrow sometime and then Jeff and I will fly out Wednesday. Then we'll get to meet on tv, or at least you can meet me almost in person. For better or for worse. Glad to know you'll still love me even if I mess up. (Right?) And if I really mess up it could be a well watched segment on You Tube or something.
Nkay, Back to it, xoxoxo, AM
Someone made quite a menace of herself today. Little miss flight attendant seems to think that she is now my assistant and insists on running around the studio at the same pace I do. Even during photo shoots! I spent 3 hours cleaning up in here today to get some good photos except I couldn't manage to scrub this little pink blur off the floor. Everywhere I turned, there it was.
Hey don't look now but thats a sneaky little peeky of "Drawing Room" my new line of home decor fabrics set for a January/February debut. I've been awash in color and happiness here in the studio as I go over all the strike offs from that line as well as the "Garden Party" quilting line set for a May release. Oh and hey don't look now, but behind that little peeking blur girl there's a wall full of Garden Party strike offs too. I've tricked you with my blur powers, good idea Eleni! Anyhoo, enjoy a little palette tease for now and details and up close portraits will follow one of these days once its legal!
Yes, right, gotta dash, thanks for reminding me little sweetie. On second thought I could use an assistant. I think someone silly, colorful and full of energy would work out just fine. Know anyone??
Oh yea! And I guess you can say this is my warm-up for next week. Man, I'm goofy.
Stitching along here, whistle, whistle
Poke. Pinch. Pull. Poke. Pinch. Pull. That's how its going here. Trying to keep things evenly spaced and in a straight line, with as few un-threadings as possible. You have no idea how much appreciate the hoorahs, wowees, and omg's that you sprinkled in my comment box regarding the excitement around here. I am very humbled and thrilled to take this little adventure on, but not with a small amount of nerves tingling. To dish a bit, I've known since February that it was a tentative thing but just recently had it confirmed. So yes a full hearted whoopee from me. Really looking forward to taking you along for the ride. That's kinda the best part if ya wanna know.
So much fun at Quilt market, extra special with pumpkin along. As usual, though, I have few pictures but lots of good memories of meeting some long distance friends in person for the first time and reuniting with my favorite pals for shop talk, laughter, and support. Many very-together quiltees recollected some meet-ups here, here, and here. I hope to get better at journaling my trips, but gosh do they fly by and I was there a short time.
Allow me to answer some recent questions, execution style:
Cute leaf pins, you ask?? Found those cuties at Jo-Anns in the dollar bins one day. (I KNOW!)
Blossom Pin Cushions you ask....a pattern perhaps? Yes indeed, and a free one too!! But you have to wait until the Spring issue of Quilts and More magazine for that one. Also hoping to do a varied collection of garden themed pin cushions as a pattern available for sale in the spring. Thanks so much for all your kind words about the first drafts!
When will the Martha show air you ask? The same day I tape it on November 15th! It's live. No pressure. Nope. No siree, I'm not worried about that.
Is there something else...?? I feel like I'm forgetting something. Jeff and I are starting to work on my website tonight, hasn't been touched design-wise in 3 years. It was originally created for only clients, then a few months before I started this blog, I noticed how many people were looking at it, which is kinda why I started the blog. Anyway, need to dig around in there, redesign some stuff, add things, subtract things, and just all around drive Jeff as insane as I can. I'm really good at it.
Okay. This was a bore. I'm really sorry about that. Aggh. I feel better though. Hoping your weekend was splendid and fall-like.
Taking off
When's it gonna go?
Whoa! What was that?
Don't be scared Bunny.
This is so cool.
It was like a dream. For both of us.
Home safe now. talk soon, xo, AM
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