What a full year. Do I dare sound too typical and ask where its gone? Here we are nearing the end of December and I still can't find November. Looking over my shoulder, I am in awe really at what 2007 has been. Fruitful. Sweet. Challenging. Exhausting. Just full. And blessed, every last day of it. Thank you for being part of it. You're the sweet part.
I'll be breaking for a bit, friends. There are sweets to bake. Gifts to wrap. Children to cuddle. Handsome eyes to look into. Couches to be slumbered upon. Oh and theres a book due in four weeks too. All these souls and blessings need some nurturing to carry them into the new year, including mine.
I'm wishing days of peace for you. I'm praying for peace everywhere. I'm hoping for our awareness of the good around us. And I'll see you here again very soon.
With my very best, Merry Christmas, xoox, AnnaMaria