Anyway, for visual aides today we have my "Painted Garden" series. Above you see the first painting in the group called "floral frenzy".

And here you see some melamine dinnerware, that was created from it. Cute huh? And perfect for the patio and slippery fingered children (and adults).

The next painting in the group is called "Beautiflies".

And these are the cute little giftbags that were created for that collection. Fun. I never quite get over what a thrill it all is. Work? Yep it's work. But getting my product samples in is like Christmas, every few weeks. Especially when you are working with very good companies who are masters at replicating your art. All those butterfly goody bags have Isabela set on a butterfly party for her august birthday. Easy enough.
This art was done about 18 months ago and its all just now hitting store shelves, if I find which shelves exactly I'll pass along (do I have a person for that? I need one). I've been busy working on needlepoint pillows, rugs, more table linens, aprons, greetings and so forth too. Ya know, cause I get bored and I have nothing but spare time. Can't wait to show you though! Oh and I found an online retailer that has their first shipments of those linens I was bragging about a ways back in case yer lookin.
Now you can see the loopy life I live balancing fifteen pieces of fruit on my nose, paint brush in one hand, phone in the other as I unicycle around piles of laundry with children chasing me. If I don't actually do just that, it certainly feels like I do that.
Just when you had me figured as a fabric designer. Which I totally am of course! I have two new lines in the pipes! OH and the book. I need to go lay down.
I will be back from NYC in a week with pictures. This time I promise, I barely took any at Quilt market. I will do better, peeps, I wanna take you with me.
Have a great week! xo,AM