I think what I enjoy most about the flea market is the intentional and unintentional collections that happen within each booth. I love that bad art can look really provocative sitting on a dirt floor when placed next to equally bad art. Or is it the quilt that makes the paintings look good? Dunno. But I like the way it looks.

Do you love this? I love this. So many of the flea market "collections" I photographed included the truck that brought them there in the background. Telling, I think. Does that Miller Lite neon work? Did that gold chandelier hanging from the mirror-less chest also once hang in a Catholic church? Sure looks like it could have.

I have to believe that there is an order that is happening in the mind of the booth owners as they arrange their goods. Are they displaying it the way I'm see it? Because a lot of it is really so randomly gorgeous that I feel like they have to be doing it on purpose. Did that tired old woman see how the flowered trim on that doll's dress looks kinda like a repeat of the blossom etched in that tin. And in that grey/green ceramic behind? With some of these flea marketers, its painfully clear that how well they sell today determines how well they eat tonight. Honestly. It feels guilty and tragic that I browse through on a whim for fun, by contrast.

There are others who know which type of buyers come through Nashville and what they should have on hand for their perusal. Some of these guys really know how to comb through estate sales to find the best deals. Others, sadly look like they've been carrying around the same odds and ends for decades. I've had some really interesting conversations with the button lady. The painted furniture girl likes hearing my ideas for color palettes, though she totally knows what she's doing. The guy I once bought an antique silver shaving cup from for 20$ was shocked when I told him later after some investigation that its worth about 200$. We then discussed whether or not he should raise his prices. He told me most people would not believe him if he told them the value and they'd likely walk away. True.

Then there are those who arrange their goods by color and I go absolutely crazy. Crazy, I tell you! I want stuff that I wouldn't have the first idea how to use. I try to think of and empty wall in the house where I could hang, nail, frame or dangle every last little thinger-ma-bobbin who's purpose completely escapes me and my generation.

Then there are really crafty souls who know just what the retail world is doing, what trends are ebbing and flowing. So they know before I do that I would blow bucks on vintage patterns. There were plenty on hand that Juliana wanted.

I didn't spend more than I few dollars this go round. We just took our time looking at everything. Of course everything was completely desirable since I put a virtual zero budget on the day. Thats how it works, as you know of course.
Thanks for coming with. I guess I need to find that thing I actually bought and show you next time.