Diagnosis: Amplitudinous Domestic Denial-osis


Good Morning! Well what took you so long to get up? I'm just working away here at the laundry just like I do (very diligently) every other morning.



Oh that?

It's just part of the laundry, so I'm a-workin' on it. I need to pick up that little orange thing on the floor over there too. Goodness knows when something needs doing, I do it, by gosh.


Whadya say?

Looking for matching socks almost made the kids miss the bus this morning?

Well, as soon as I fold this little thingy here, I am on those socks!


An' right after that I'm gonna crochet, errhh-uh, wash those dishes.

Man nothing like waking up early and getting everything done.

Hope your day is just as productive.
