Gee, thanks Mom!

Scrappy Birthday to me!

My sweetie-pie Mommy sent me the gorgeous Quilts of Gee's Bend book for my birthday, and I keep getting up from my work to go look at it. It's like a bag a of Doritos being on the other side of the room. Well, better than that. What good timing, too as I was just about to share my scrap bookmarks with you. So in the fabric-saving-and-using spirit, here is my little scrap inspiration for today.


They are every bit as simple as they look:
* 2 rectangles of fabric, in any size you like, sewn right sides together with 1/4" SA
* leave one of the short ends open, clip the two sewn corners, turn right side out
* one rectangle of double-sided heavy fusible that is 5/8" smaller in width and 1" smaller in length than the fabric rectangles.
* folding the interfacing lengthwise first makes it easier to insert it snugly
* after getting the interfacing in place, fold in the open end and press entire bookmark both sides
* I added colorful running stitches with perle cotton for some home-yness (sp?)


I have to admit to not being much of a reader, I never have been. Always more of a skimmer, picture looker through my art books, etc. I do think writing a book (and this blog) has changed that a bit. So I've digested a diverse group of enjoyable reads this summer and I confess to pleasingly pairing up the bookmarks with the bookcovers. Go figure. Something about holding the warm soft fabric in my hand as I read is comforting. Most likely a baby-blankey-memory-thingy.


So if you have lots and lots of this, and not the time to make a giant quilt, maybe a little scrappy bookmark will do the trick for now. Oh! Speaking of giant quilts, I finally decided that I needed to say goodbye to that comfy bed here in the studio in favor of a design wall for making quilts (notice a white background in that first pic up there). I know! Sad, right? I hate not having that little luxury in here, but it was the only way to fit in a large open design space that I need. I do think I'll be able to situate a comfy armchair for hand-sewing and reading with soothing bookmarks in hand in it's place. More on all that soon enough!

xoxox, Anna Maria

There, that's Better


Hope everyone is having a great week!

As August approaches I wanted to mention a mention that many of you have already mentioned to me! (hi, thanks!) Better Homes & Gardens did a little Stylemaker blurb on me in their August issue and I am more than honored to be part of such a favorite magazine. And a very pretty issue at that! While the mag feature is just one page, from there they cue a 16 page slideshow a la Moi at their website that points to several of my free patterns, products, that many of you dedicated (sweetly wonderful) readers are familiar with. But a bonus is that it also points to the "blossom" pin cushion pattern that I did for their Quilts and More publication this spring, making it available to any of you who missed that issue. Hooray! I've added the slideshow link to my sidebar over there for you.

I've been working on several new little projects that'll be available to you here soon, one of them being a step-by-step for the fabric covered magazine organizer boxes shown in the article. I also have two new projects brewing that are perfect for your scrap box.

In other news, my dear Nicolas just told me that it costs 2 cents to make a penny. He's usually right about such things and both the idea of it and him sharing it made me laugh.


And Rain on Friday

How did he know that's what I wanted to do today too? Such a smart dog. I guess rain has the same effect on King Leo the VI. Though I'm fairly certain that sun, partly cloudy, partly sunny, snow and hail all have this effect on him too.

Thanks for all the nice color comments on my last post. I don't mean to imply that I ignore color theory. I adore color theory and play with abandon. The colorwheel spins in my brain subconsciously as I compose. I very often go with an obvious pairing, but add a variation for interest, or intentionally choose something "wrong" to add some depth. I also don't subscribe to calling the typical harmonious pairings rules so much as I think of them as scientific suggestions of what happens when combining. I'm also convinced that everyone's eyes actually see color slightly differently. No research to point to other than my sister and I spending about 20 minutes in a fabric store discussing (arguing) the properties of a certain purple-ish fabric that she felt was more blue/cobalt and I felt was periwinkle/lilac. We finally shut up when I suggested our eyes were wired differently (even though it was periwinkle).

A few of you asked for the color in the living room which is actually a Porter color called Green Wave. Green? It did look pretty green right up until I painted on the wall. I was searching for something aqua-ish...but if a color could actually act like a neutral, that's what I was looking for. Our wood floors have such a warm orangey/honey hue that the walls look blue because of the compliment contrast with floor. Had the floors been red.....the walls would look more green. See? I embrace color theory. We're bff's.


Okay, okay, I get it. Apparently color chat puts him into a deep sleep.

wishing you a restful weekend. xoxox,Anna

Living (with) Color

What is it that I'm thinking about when I throw all this stuff together, be it a fabric collection, a room or a single pillow? The answer might be the subject of a book one day, but for now, all I know is that in all those instances and more the process is just the same. Does it interest me? Have I seen it before? Does this feel new? Am I comforted by it? Would I wear it if it were a dress? Would I hang those colors on my wall? Am I cheered by this? These are the types of questions I ask myself when I am working at developing palettes and prints.


Sometimes looking at a combination like the pillow above, I think of my personal favorite color Q&A:

What makes a group of colors go together?

I do.

I know you would have enjoyed the look on my color theory professor's face when I answered with that 17 years ago. Back to today, I feel exactly the same way, only a bit more experience with the mix.

I had hoarded that center vintage barkcloth for months waiting for a good way to use it. Then for reasons that I'm not sure I can explain, that fabric seemed to marry the two moods of Garden Party and Drawing Room so well, that I created one big happy family with a pieced pillow. Now the feel of that single pillow has inspired a few other acquisitions for the living room.


I have really been enjoying working my new fabrics into the house and as a confessed serial wall painter I am about to make some more changes around here. I've been living with this blue in the living room for a few months and I am finally getting to know it better. The color feels just like water to me and always makes me want to put fresh flowers against a bare spot of it. The ceramic lamp I recently found at an antique shop and sometimes when we're watching movies it just decides to shut off. Then on. This doesn't bother me for some reason.


I have been on the hunt for small yellow vases to add to a few that Jeff's Grandma gave to me. No particular sort in mind, just that they be small and vaguely yellow. Guess what? Yellow vases are VERY hard to find! So whether I'm flea marketing, thrifting, or new goods shopping, I keep my eyes peeled. It's actually become like this thrilling challenge since they seem to be few and far between. The fact that it excites me so much when I find one, makes me wonder if I'm getting enough oxygen, but no matter. Pretty yellow vases.

Or pretty yellow tie backs sometimes can ignite the same happiness! Flea Market find.

So much happiness that the second of the pair has been sitting on the floor all day because I couldn't wait to take a picture of the first. I made two new curtain panels out of this print, and I am so happy with how cozy they make the room feel. I'll show you a room shot one day soon.


And what makes this vintage light fixture go with the rest of the room?


more soon, xo,Anna

Promised Postcards


First Morning


6:50 a.m.


Sun Glowing Grass


Gently Rolling


Front Row Seats


Gathering Storm

I warned you about the sky, sea, sand redundancy, but I found it all quite palatable.
Make a cutout of yourself and dance it along the computer screen or just close your eyes and listen for the waves.....can you hear it?


Picking Time

picking party

If I could send a blossom-y gift to everyone of you, please believe that I would. Enough dreaming, let's get to it shall we? Here are the four winning party-goers with their comments and time posted:

Mo said....Seriously? I have to pick just one?! They are all lovely and they work so nicely together. Your daughters are just beautiful too! If I had to narrow it down to one it would be guest of honor in ice. Fanfare in gold and tablecloth in ice are close seconds though. at 12:45pm

Heidi Ann said...Hi Anna, "Social Climber" in teal, is my very favorite fabric, but they all are simply lovely!...Congratulations on such an "uplifting collection of prettiness"!...heidi XO. at 9:55pm

The Georgia Peaches said...Well, I can't just pick one! I like Centerpiece in the turquoise and olive colorway and Social climber in the green colorway. The little outfit you made in your fabrics is so cute. at 12:29am

Big Red Barn said...You know, I just don't know which facet of you is more inspiring to me. Your fabrics, your home and projects, or the fact that you are mother to 5 beautiful children! I am 9 months pregnant with baby #3 and frankly looking forward to #4 and maybe even #5. Your fabrics have me itching to sew every time I look at them and the vibrant color and creativity in your home makes inspires me to liven things up around here. Oh how I wish you lived in Birmingham, AL so I could have your over for a play date with the kids and a tall glass of lemonade. You seem like so much fun!

Send me those addresses you lucky winners! (and big red barn, birmingham isn't far and I love lemonade, especially the vodka kind, wink)

tea party

Congratulations and my sincerest thanks for all the encouragement and excitement for this lovely craft of designing, sewing, sharing and friendship. All of my favorite things, that wouldn't be nearly as gratifying without your charming and uplifting visits here. One comment that I can't forget is about the Social Climber Ice being "so pretty it makes me want to cry". Oddly enough I was completely flattered by this and totally understood the sentiment. I think that if I can create an emotional response, happy or sweetly sad, simply by putting color to cloth that I am in a fortunate place in the world. I allowed myself imagining the "cry" to be a good that feels a yearning for something soft and comforting and a bit nostalgic. These are the thoughts I had as I composed those colors. Making people cry is not my goal, but I was touched by the idea that someone completely "got it", if you know what I mean. I know you know what I mean.

quilt in the grass

Now before you go off into a corner crying because you didn't win, I have been working away at lots of ways to continue sharing ideas and inspirations for this line. Here's a few:

*the Garden Wall Quilt pattern is over there and ready to download
*the Garden Party Sewing flickr group is set up and awaiting your amazing creations
*our shop is now loaded with Garden Party everywhere, including new rugs!
*and of course if you want fabrics by the yard online, some of my favorite spots like purlosho, sewmamasew, jcarolinecreative, and pinkchalkfabrics already have some listed...more on my find page (which is about to be updated again)

There are many, many other little and not so little projects that I've been working on for you with this line, so stay tuned!

have a super good night, with my love and thanks, xo,Anna

Party Crashing

Garden party Gathering

I'm here. Vacation was so so wonderful and much needed and you know how the transition goes, its a bit painful. I will be boring you at some point soon with beach photos bc I took a bajillion of them. Mostly of sand, water and sky. But then there are also some of just sand and water, still more of just water and sky. Oh and clouds too. Lots of clouds. I'm just warnin' ya.

So I came home to this roaring party and feel like I missed all the fun! Okay, not quite. I've had a blast reading all (ALL) those comments! Thank you so much for all the generosities you left me! I apologize for the comment blipping that was going on! Geesh! Blogger flipped out at times and sent out error messages saying they didn't post, yet for the most part they were posting anyway it seems. This resulted in a lot of duplicates, and I've been weeding them out (ha! in the garden!) today to make the random drawing as random as possible. I am sorry if you tried, gave up and never got a comment posted. Wish we weren't subject to the imperfections that happen with this service, but for now it'll have to do.

I'll keep the commenting open till midnight tonight, then meet me here tomorrow to see if you're one of the 4 lucky winners (in honor of my fourth fabric collection!) Winners will receive the favorite(s) they listed along with some companion fabrics.

Hoorah. What a joy it is to have you guys to come home to. xo, Anna

A proper introduction (which is kinda long, but I'm giving something away at the end so I would read it if I were you)

Garden Party Socialite

Now that bits and pieces of my newest fabric collection have spilled here and there around the internet, I thought I should formally introduce you to Garden Party! Juliana and I just finished up some new photos for the line as shown above and I am so happy with the glowi-ness of it all. I waited as long as I could in the day to have a glowing evening sunlight and came close to not having enough time for the shoot. We went to the Cheekwood Gardens here in Nashville and both ooohed and awwwed the whole time we walked around taking pics.

birdie. girl

My thoughts for Garden Party were first and foremost inspired by the palette of beautiful things I collected as I was preparing to host a huge engagement party for an old friend last year. I was gathering flowers, cakes, linens, cocktails mixes, wines, working in the garden, and thinking ahead to what it would be like to have such an eclectic group of people in my home all to celebrate the happy couple on a sweltering hot August evening. I thought about all the elements that pull a party together, from the bouquets on the tables to the tiles on the dancefloor and the sometimes quirky, sometimes romantic combinations of different personalities meeting up for the first time. I was inspired by the optimism of the 50's and the clever swank of the 40's.

little gardener

The colorways were inspired by thoughts of a sunny morning of preparations slowly growing into an afternoon of fierce anticipation and finally a night of low-lit celebration. My memories of the evening are mesmerizing...... the way the fading light intensified the gardens around our gathering and how the energy of the guests maintained through the last glass of wine. I wanted the line to be colorful, but not without mood, so I set in some deep saturated tones.

Above is the Morning Palette. I've been wanting to use this little piece of free html that attaches to a flickr set for a while. Perfect excuse and nice to not have to load all the big pic files into this post.

Above is the Afternoon Palette. You'll notice that each slide has the title and fabric style number listed below. Keep going to the right (numbered pages below icons) to see more icons in the slideshow.

And the Evening Palette. Each of the images represents about 12 x 18" of fabric. This collection is the regular lovely and versatile quilting cotton weight and 45" wide. There are a total of 44 fabrics (whew) in the whole collection. Lots and lots of possibilities!

garden wall quilt

And this is the "Garden Wall" quilt that will be available here very soon. And speaking of available, most stores will be receiving their Garden Party shipments in the next few weeks. We'll have it up in the AMShop, just as soon as I'm all rested and back from vacation. (In fact some lucky ducks have already gotten a few surprise scraps in their scrap bags!)

You know. I'll be in such a good mood by the time I get back from the beach (as opposed to all the bad moods I'm typically steaming through) that I just might feel like sending a cordial invitation, in the form of a fabric stack, for a Garden Party in your sewing studio. Perhaps to a few of you. It is a party! Anyone? Join me? Pick your favorite fabric from the collection and leave the name of it in a comment. Take your time, I'll be busy sunning my lazy bones between chasing sandy-reared children up and down the coast of South Carolina. Be back in about ten days.

I'll miss you and have fun looking, hope you love it! It is for you, after all.

xoxo, Anna

Summer in Motion


I should make clear that I can not at all take credit for the idea of a dress from a pillowcase. I've known for years of the concept, and its been filed somewhere in the dusty recesses of my brain that were thankfully swept up a bit when I came across these darling little linens. And all one would have to do, of course, is google it and find a great deal, naturally. I made this one of Isabela's in the most straightforward way. It was harder to get straightforward photographs however since she has been in almost constant motion since putting it on. The dresses seem to inspire young girls to mimic freshly washed bed linens flapping about on the clothesline in the warm summer breeze. I am certain this is the whole point. She is now a flapper. A happy little flapper.


I used a very sheer pink gingham for the drawstring straps. And I used a preppy pink cotton shirting (think button-down Polos from the eighth grade that your mom was too cheap to buy - or too smart - interject your own adjective there) for the bias edging that creates the casing on the front and back and to edge the inner armholes.


And I didn't have to do a darn thing on that gorgeous hem. Such a smashing bonus to the whole ordeal. OH. Perhaps here is where I mention that I have handwritten an instruction sheet for you that you can view by clicking here or by clicking on the Pillowcase Dress link over there under the "make this with me" section. These started out as my handwritten notes that I would then draft into fancy computer-y instructions to give to you. Then it hit me I felt more like I was writing to a penpal or a neighbor or a family member. Which is just how I want you to have this. From me to you. And of course like any friend passing a note to another, you have to forgive the scratchiness and possible typo type things. Have to.


Here I am at your back gate with my folded up piece of paper to pass over the fence to you. Come on out back and take it. (Your dog won't stop barking!) And send your girls over for cookies and juice once they're wearing one, I would love to see.

xoxo, Anna