This gorgeous collage, made by my effervescent friend Stephanie Levy is my choice from the grouping that she made from some of my fabric scraps. Several months ago, we settled on a fun exchange where I sent my fabrics to her (in Germany) so she could do what she does best with scraps of things. (Look at more lovelies here.) Stephanie was so kind to offer me first choice for my birthday, even though it took me daaaays of looking, and thinking, and looking, and thinking to decide which one. Cause they're all so bea-yooti-ful, naturally. Don't ya love? I love. Stephanie and I go all the way back to art school where we were student contemporaries (high-faluntin for 'there at the same time'). Anyway, we both admired each other's work, equally, I think and both had a lot of interest in design and pattern in our fine art studies, though with refreshingly different results. I am so happy to have a piece that reflects both of us and points to how we've grown as artists. Our correspondence these days mostly consists of emails where she is asking mother-artist-wife-time-business-management advice which I rarely answer within one month's time because I so clearly have not mastered any of those subjects. But she knows that I love her, and she definitely seems to have it all under control. Quite beautifully.
In articulate promotional news, soon after reading all the glowing reviews of my new stickers I noticed that I have been sending out packing slips with my shop orders from someone named Anna Maria Horer. Yup.