These past few weeks I have been so conscious of the time that things take, to the point of wanting time to go away a little, or just retreat. I've been wanting it to not have any bearing on reality for a bit so that I can absorb what I feel needs to be absorbed and leave the rest. Even the extra hour this weekend didn't give me enough, as I'm still holding a grudge from Springing forward. Alas, it passes anyway, without permission.
There were many many hours spent preparing for market, obviously, which accounts for most of my absence from here. And sorry about that. But Fall Quilt Market could not have gone better. I am so thankful. Jeff and I drove all the way to Houston and back (28 hours round trip) with the only hitch being the one pulling a trailer containing my booth display. A booth display, in fact, that won first place (again!) in the double booth category. I couldn't tell you what the award criteria is, but I am very honored, of course, to be recognized. And it certainly doesn't hurt in patting the strong back of my husband who labored tirelessly on the construction details. Good man. I will share all the goodies with you that all the attendees got to see as this week rolls on, promise.
As wonderful and enjoyable as it was to meet up with all my pals in the sewing circle, and have some time away, there is never anything quite like the return. We both miss the kids an awful lot when gone. All the monotonous details of family care suddenly take on more appeal from afar and we miss the little things, like Eleni skipping out of a room.
The first full day back, Allie and I spent hours and hours catching up on orders and I am happy to say that we are caught up. All the books ordered thus far have been shipped! And that's sayin' something. Whew. I'm glad to be back in a more normal flow with the shop and can't wait to share new stuff coming soon. Thursday my parents came in to celebrate Joseph's birthday which we concisely took care of with a skate, a steak and a cake. All to his choosing. The kindest boy ever is 9 years old.
Having Mom and Dad here for those few days forced me to take it easier than I might have, which I'm mighty glad for. Mom worked on embroidering one of her quilts interspersed with baking and handwashing my dishes. She is so easy to love. Dad pondered the beginnings of what will be the first painting he's made in about 25 years. He is a beautiful painter, and I'm relieved to see him stir up the brushes again. He has saved the above picture from a summer spent in Greece for more than 30 years with wavering thoughts of someday making a painting from it. I'm the healthiest looking one between my sister Eleni and my brother George. My cousin Eleni is the one keeping that poor donkey humble by sitting on his neck. Anyway, his current plan is to rather paint a landscape of the gorgeous terrain and olive grove surrounding his home in Greece. So, I managed to get Mom to the local needlework shop to get her all the colors she needs to finish her quilt, and Dad to the local art supply store to stock up on all the colors of paint he'll need to get started, provided he doesn't spend another few years recomposing the plan.
I suppose worthwhile endeavors do take time. I've certainly managed to take enough of yours with all this catching up! So I might as well let you know that I'll be spending 29 1/2 more weeks bringing our little #6 into the world. Time well spent.
are we caught up a bit? best to you! xoxo, Anna