This is Dasha. She’s about to turn 22 and her family comes from very modest means. She is a typical Russian Girl. Try to imagine a step below that on the Russian economic standard of living and you might start to understand a few things.   I really don’t want to get into too much detail but let’s just say that where she comes from having running water in your home is not taken for granted.

Not too long ago Dasha started working as a secretary in a travel agency and quickly transitioned into a travel agent position because of her steadfastness in trying to carve out a better life for her parents, a younger brother and herself.

She was able to spend about 6 months in Antalya, Turkey working as a travel guide.
She has years of study with the German language but because of the demands of this position needed to pick up conversational English within 6 months and did it.

Dasha is also a traditional Russian national dancer but she also loves going out when she can to hit the discos every once in a while with her girlfriends.

The rest of her time is spent studying to finish up her diploma in accounting and taking great care of her younger brother.

Here’s the best to you Dasha.