Who would not like being accused of either or both of those attributes? I am happy to report that my two new sewing patterns strike both pretty and practical chords for certain. I could be biased.

You've seen images of this pattern show up in everything but the actual printed pattern, so I am thrilled to say that they are arriving to stores now. I have to admit that each new pattern becomes my current fav until I am onto the next (which I of course already am) but this Painted Portrait Blouse & Dress is a pleasure.... I love the way it looks, feels, fits and how it comes together in sewing. I hope hope you will too. You can download the full front and back cover image from this page, and see more versions of the pattern here, here, and here. I counted up all the possible options for this pattern taking into consideration the possible combinations of sleeves, sleeveless, solid yoke, patchwork yoke, pockets, no pockets, dress or blouse.... there are 12. Or more. It makes my head hurt. In a good way.

And my Art Student. Gorgeous, sweet, talented, versatile, loving, helpful, intuitive. Oh the bag? It's cool too (sorry was distracted by my model pumpkinpookiepie who loves when I do this right here in front of the masses). Srzly tho, I really love this bag. As in I carry all versions on a near daily basis. As in you might call me collect to thank me for this one. As in the slim version and the extended version are currently sitting at my feet as I type its praises from the Chicago Midway airport. (There's a lady knitting next to me on one side and a lady reading on the other side. Is this getting facebooky? Sorry.)
The bag! The larger version is so perfect for traveling, especially as your hefty but concise carry-on, and the slim one is super for everyday. In fact Slim is my traveling bag too, because of the shape it doesn't whack any of your co-fliers in the head as you stroll down the aisle with it on your shoulder. I want you to be able to make friends on the airplane if you're so inclined. Anyway, the insides are a pocket bonanza, and so many possible customizations, my favorite being the extension panel of option B that only pops up if you need it (think just bought great art at flea market and want to contain it as you continue blowing your loot or think I spent all of the past twelve years working on this quilt and I'll be dingdangderned if I'm gonna wad it up to take it to quilt guild to show off.) Full cover download available for clicking on the cover from this page.

I love this little outtake. She is cute. I love her. My art student. For the record, she actually totes around her stuff at school using the blue bag on the cover. Cheers. I am headed to Brooklyn as we speak to pinch her rosy cheeks, feed her some overpriced meals, beg her to stay up later than she should to tell me stuff, and also to teach some weekend sewing with my pal Heather. Unless she offers me the nanny position which I would scoop up like ice cream.
My flight is boarding! back tomorrow with Loulou flannel! xo, Anna