You have to be the sweetest bunch of blog readers. Mean it. What a soft cradle my thoughts rested in as I read all your comments and relived all your experiences with you. Some days go by without a hitch. Other days you're stopped in your tracks and question something as simple and seemingly normal as putting your child on a school bus. On a bus? Are you kidding? What I am thinking? And thats how it goes. Feeling assured and feeling horrified all together in a busy mind.
Anyway, let's concentrate on the soft, gentle and fluffy for now shall we? Oh good, thank you. I made cupcakes for a photo shoot this weekend (well okay, I dreamed up the photo shoot thing in the middle of stirring the batter to add to the why-I-HAVE-to-make-cupcakes-list) and I wanted to tell you that if you haven't tried Alicia's most wonderful Cloudburst frosting, stop what you are doing right now and do so. Soooo good. I'm pretty sure they are just about gone and I made them less than 24 hours ago. Anyway, the frosting is just yellow-y white enough that the pink that resulted from just a teeny tiny drop of red dye was the perfect shade of pale coral-pink to sit next to the new linens I was shooting (oh my goodness, have I told you yet? They're here if ya wanna see). So I was tickled pink, I tell you. Not sure one could be tickled coral.
I managed to save 3 for you as I warned the kids that these are for mommy's work. Don't let them sit there long, or I'll have to work on them.
love your pal, Anna