Four little birdies are going to market. And they need your help! I have a proposition that I thought would be fun (if nothing else) to throw out there....specifically for those of you who live in the Portland, Oregon area. And I've read my blog stats, so I know there are a bunch of you!
Cutting to the chase here it is:
I will be exhibiting at the Quilt Market May 16-18 and would really love to have this new vintage sofa I had recovered for display and naps when no one is looking. However. That would be crazy impractical to get it there (7 feet long). So I started thinking. Which typically is cause for concern. But I think I may have come up with a fun plan. Maybe I should tell you the plan now.
Here's the plan:
Do you live in the Portland area?
Do you have a vintage-ish sofa/loveseat/chair/set of chairs that needs recovering?
Would you like to cover them in Drawing Room fabrics?
Would you like the fabric for free?
Would you be so kind as to find an upholsterer to get this accomplished between now and May 16th?
Would you also be able to kindly transport the world's most beautiful sofa/couch/loveseat/chair to the Oregon Convention Center?
Would you be able to part with it for three days then come pick it up?
Would you mind if I sit on it for three days and maybe spill Starbucks on it?
(I'm kidding about that last one.)
If you said (or gasped) YES to all those questions then keep reading.
A few couch specs. I am not horribly picky (that's a lie) about the style of the couch, but I would definitely prefer something vintage-ish with wood trim, which typically translates to Victorian, Nouveau or some such thing. Just so you know. If you actually were able to answer yes to all those questions though I will entertain your piece no matter the style. I was able to swing my 40's sofa for 400$ at an antique mall, and spent 560$ to have it covered. But its big, has double piping trim and is covered on the back too. I think I actually got a pretty good deal on the covering. But anyway...just to help you know what you could be in for.
A few fabric specs. My first choice is to have it covered in this Eccentric warm Sketchbook print. If you have two pieces, we could talk about mixing..... or even if you have a good reason to choose another print, and want to write an essay (kidding) about it, I will consider something different. I realize that this is nothing near a giveaway, but probably closer to a trade. My couch took about 15 yards to cover, so that's nearly 300$ in retail value of fabric.
So what d'ya say?
Email me at
Whew. That made me tired for some reason. More coffee.
AND-because I imagine you've been wondering, the Drawing Room fabrics will not be hitting stores, including mine, for another few weeks. Things always take longer than you want them to..such is life. You will certainly know when they do however!