I was so excited to see my oilcloth on the Autumn cover of Ottobre magazine, but altogether bummed as well that this oilcloth has sold out from every point on the planet. I have answered SO many individual emails regarding the oilcloths and their availability but haven't had a chance to come clean here. So the story started with me showing off the new oilcloths, and promising more, which apparently had such a lovely result that they became unavailable before many stores even received their shipments. Unfortunately the production time on reprinting those and new pieces was so far out, that Westminster chose not to reorder. We could call this the bad news.
GOOD news?
There are two new oilcloths in the works as part of my NEW (thats right, you heard me) collection of fabrics hopefully to be shipping in Septmeber or October. So the fabulous rain slicker pattern included in this issue of Ottobre need not go to waste, but will have the chance to be sewn up in some seriously sweet, slick, little prints. Can't wait to show you!
MORE good news?
I have two extra copies of the Autumn issue sitting here on my much too cluttered desk, and well, just thought two someones out there may want to put them to use, and help me declutter. Leave a comment and I'll draw two names sometime next week and send them on their way. Awe, you're welcome.
My pals at Ottobre were kind enough to also send along this little handmade gift for Roman. How please-keep-me-from-fainting cute is this?? (thank you Tuula and all!)
Ack, that bird is smart and just looks like it's squawking away. Oh, and speaking of squawking, Daria caught me doing such and posted a video interview with me from last fall Quilt market (where I give away a little more about the next fabric line and also lie about it's debut date, which I have become so good at). So you can check that out if you have something more important to do but are procrastinating. I like to be helpful where I can.
Have a great weekend!! xoxo, Anna