There's a piling up of all manner of colorful goods as though a winter with no end were imminent and all that will pass the time is drawing and sewing in front of a log burning fire. Not at all for real, but sounds quite nice. I do think that I'm squirreling away supplies as a promise to myself, evidenced in my last post. (Oh, and I need to point out that the colored pencils did not produce the drawings laying next to them in the photos. Those are some marker sketches from the summer....the pencils were just lying there in jealousy, waiting for their chance.)
A long since sad willow finally laid itself down in our yard after the last storm. We felt a cremation was in order. We offered condolences by snapping, cutting, breaking and piling every last bit of it into orderly piles categorized by size. The kids flipped out when Leo carried a small/medium stick in his mouth and then actually dropped it in the small/medium pile. He's a genius they laughed. Then they got their wish of campfire hotdogs and I got poison ivy. The hot dogs were so much better.
The littlest girl staying home today, who has a bit of a cough and runny nose, was crazy pleased to pile up these new little spectrums atop our woodpile. She said it would make a beautiful rainbow campfire.
Oh but the thread, yes. While I would recommend only cotton thread for your machine and hand quilting, have you guys tried out the new & improved Coats thread? I am in love and went a bit crazy on colors, but it is hard to have too much, no? The quality is greatly improved, perfect for garment sewing (especially if you work with more than just cotton fabric) and I am a sucker for the fancy new wind-up at the top of the spool . Eleni fancies playing a sort of Jenga with them more than sewing with them, but we'll work with that.
Leo the genius dog sat guarding the small/medium pile the whole time we took pictures. Come to think of it, looking at these pictures I think he was waiting for his fetch command. Okay, now I feel bad. One or two throws won't put me too far behind.
enjoy your weekend friends! xo,Anna